
Save On Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET Web Store

Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET

Thinking about buying Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET? This site has the ideal choice of ItemTitle. Purchase the best-quality of Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET to your home through Wonderful Deal and Fast Delivery on many items.

Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET

  • sanding sheet roll

Floor Sanding Drum Cover, 80G FLOOR SANDING SHEET
Factory cut sheets for use on Clark model No. EZ8 (bar clamp) drum sander, EC-8, MV-8, and DU-8 rental machines. Resin over resin bonded silicon carbide. Heavy-duty reinforced combination paper backing. 8" x 19-1/2". No. 002-808100: 100 grit No. 002-808080: 80 grit No. 002-808060: 60 grit No. 002-808036: 36 grit No. 002-808024: 24 grit

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